Not long afterward we found ourselves in two recording studios in Boston, making the tapes that would eventually become Inner Voice. We gathered together as we had around the fire in New Mexico, and let our voices blend as though the tall pines were still around us. We did it for ourselves, to remember. But in the end, we realized we could share this music, that it could maybe bring enjoyment or encouragement to other people, and that we could donate the profits in gratitude. Within a few years we were able to fund the construction and outfitting of a Navajo women’s weaving center.
And so Diana Earthmission continued. Some went off to try further explorations of lands and music far and near, including a five woman voyage to the Caribbean. A new Women’s Ritual Healing Gathering was planned for the next fall. Others of us are still planning for new adventures in our future. Dreams of traveling through the USA and Europe feed us through the winter months as we organize craft sales to raise more money for our journeys. DEM is alive and wild!
Following here are words from some members from DEM who wished to share their feelings from the journey.