How does on put into human words the sound of coyote yelps and screams rising up to the ancient ruins, while a pregnant moon laughs down up one two lone women’s fears? … Or what we heard as the sound of Earth crying out with intrusions on her body, the rape of her essential self, the calling for her healing?… Or the sound of the heartbeat of a gathering of women in the wilderness? I do not feel agile enough, at home enough with the world of words to do more than this feeble attempt here, which I offer to you as a shadow of what Diana Earth Mission was about.
“To those who have had the experience, no explanation is necessary.. To those who have not, no explanation is Possible”
Cathy Tocci: For years there was no sign of her, but then in 2014 Cathy’s family reached us to let us know that she had died at 75 after a full and beautiful life. Her Guest Book of memories and condolences is kept permanently online courtesy of Diana Earthmission. We are grateful to have known her and to count her as one of us always.
Judy Dacey: No sign of her. We have hunted high and low, and if you are out there Judy, let us know!
Holly Field: The last we heard, Holly was living in Massachusetts, and making beautiful baskets.
Lindsay Hammonds: Lindsay is living in Maui, Hawaii.