- To be a circle.
- To share responsibilities and power.
- To have minimal impact on our home and to beautify our place.
- To have an altar spot for our daily found treasures of bones, antlers, rocks, art.
- To have spontaneous playing, being animals, gnomes, journeying into other worlds.
- Singing and sitting by firelight.
- Honoring the earth, moon, water, cave spirits around us.
- Honoring the voices which might at any time call or guide any one of us.
- Respecting the spirit guiding voices without question.
- Touching, holding, loving each other (not in sexual ways, but in caring sisterhood)
- Talking about issues of importance to us all: sex, food, relationship, death, sleep, ice cream.
- Honoring our Bloods and having space to let them flow freely.
- Being naked or decorating our bodies as we like.
- Trusting one another to do as she needed.
- Following the flow of our energy.
- Discussing the fact that the only things some of us fear at all as a threat to our lives, is men and masculine aggression.
- Discovering how many of us have been raped or molested.
- Learning that according to Laughing Tree, in Hawaii, sexuality is seen as a beautiful thing. Our “pualani” (vagina) is considered a beautiful heavenly flower visited only by the loveliest of hummingbirds.
- Deciding that our work in the world is to follow the cosmic allurement, to go for what we feel passionate about.

Gifts from the land included:
rattlesnake meetings, squirrel talks, hummingbird delights. Hummingbird point, overhanging the waterfall was a favorite place for meditation. Luna’s basket weaving, full moon ceremony, gin and tonic journey. Regularly we found bones and antlers scattered on the land, as well as prized rocks and luscious cactus fruits.