Luna took on a project of making baskets for each of us with native materials. Laughing tree could be found in any thunderstorm sitting out in the rain on Hummingbird Point.
Judy danced with and talked to the animals.
Laura played her flute.
Washing each other’s hair at the waterfall.
Tobin worked on gleaning messages from her dreams.
Foxfire was into tracking. A typical scene for Fox…. breakfast interrupted by Bear siting by Juliana. Naked tracker Fox hops into moccasins only, foxtrots upstream to follow. Naked brown body, slipping now barefoot through cool stream pools, paw prints here. A scratch mark, wet piece of earth, a trail, skeleton of freshly killed mule deer… finally a Cliffside. No Bear, but 100’s of bird songs, woodpeckers, little wren-like birds, yellow, black, green, near, high, dancing from tree limb to limb…
The last 2 weeks of our time there were devoted to fasting, solitude, questing.
We spent one week clarifying our purpose for being called to sit for 3 days and nights alone, fasting, exposed to the earth’s forces, the wild animals, and the calling sprits. After 3 days and nights, 10 women returned to the 3 who had stayed behind to keep vigil for those who went out. Sharing gifts and visions with their circle, they brought gifts of farsightedness and clarity of their unique paths.