Cathy Tocci: Cathy’s family kindly reached out to us in February 2014. Cathy died after a full and beautiful life at 75 on Dec. 20, 2013. She was a massage therapist and Reiki master, a lover of birds and gardening, and well-loved by her community and church in Hull, MA. Her Guest Book of memories and condolences will remain online permanently courtesy of Diana Earthmission.
Judy Dacy: Anyone know where she is?
Holly Field: Anyone know where she is?
Please get in touch with us if anyone know where these women are were still searching for them. Some women have added a current description of their life as well in 2012 & 2016, some 27/31 years later! A few we have lost touch with, and even with advent of internet, we have been unable to locate them.